Celebrate Pumpkin cheesecake day with these three great products for making and showcasing that delicious pumpkin cheesecake!!
The American metalcraft ten-inch springform cake pan is essential for any baked items that are going to be sliced. The pan is plated in a non-corrosive tin that will allow for even heat distribution which leads to even cooking. The bottom has a textured finish that will allow for air flow and prevent unwanted dark spots. The side is removeable, simply unhook the latch and never worry about trying to force the cake out of a traditional pan again.
Matfer Bourgeat Flexipan mini muffin/ cupcake mold is a must have for making individual mini desserts. Made of a durable food-grade silicone based woven fabric that is laminated and rubberized, this mold can be reused up to 3000 times before it is time to replace. The silicon mold is able to withstand temperatures from -40ºF to + 580ºF, and can be transferred from a high temperature oven directly into a blast chiller or freezer.
Regardless of the min deserts, the American Metalcraft 3-piece hammered stainless steel square riser set is a great way to showcase the sweet treats. Constructed of sturdy stainless steel, this riser set is built to withstand repeated use. The set comes with a small, medium and large riser that nest for efficient, space-saving storage and make a great tiered display.
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