Peach Salsa


  • 750g ripe peach
  • 150g green bell pepper
  • 100g red tomato
  • 100g avocado
  • 225g fig
  • 15g line juice 
  • 40g cilantro (1/2 bunch)
  • 40g chives 
  • 10g salt
  • 5g black pepper

This is a perfect summer salsa by itself, make sure the Peaches, Fig and Avocado are not over ripe otherwise the salsa will have more of a guacamole consistency.

Cooking Method:

  • Small dice the peach, bell pepper, tomato, avocado and fig and place in a mixing bowl. 
  • Add the lime juice to prevent oxidation
  • Finely chop the chive and cilantro and add to the bowl
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix all ingredients together with a spoon.