Brown Butter Ice Cream

Ingredients: 5 ea. egg yolks 400 ml Whole Milk 946 ml Heavy Cream 226 g Unsalted Butter 10 g Kosher Salt 250 g Brown Sugar Cooking method: Brown the butter in a sauce pot and let cool completely, skim away most of the solids. While the butter is cooling, combine milk, cream and brown sugar in a sauce pot and simmer until sugar is dissolved Temper the egg yolks with the warm dairy mixture Mix until everything is combined and pour back into the sauce pot Using a rubber spatula continuously stir the mixture on medium low heat until the batter thickens (nape) Add in the brown butter, mix until everything is incorporated. Pour the mix into the ice cream […]

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Olive Oil Mayo

Ingredients: 4 Egg Yolks 35 ml Lemon Juice, Fresh (roughly one lemon) 60 ml Water 80 ml Avocado Oil 50 ml Blended Oil 80 ml Olive Oil 10 g Kosher Salt Using this olive oil mayo is a great way to add additional flavor element to those leftover thanksgiving sandwiches or my personal favorite use, a dip for French Fries Cooking Method: In a food processor, combine Egg Yolks, Lemon Juice and water Process for five minutes, until the egg yolks have lightened in color and volume has increased With the processor running slowly add in the blended oil, avocado oil followed by the olive oil to form an emulsion Add the salt Refrigerate before use

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